What most people don’t realize is that a one-size fits all approach doesn’t work.
If you take 12 people and they all use the same board review course same study materials 2 of them will not pass on their first attempt. Wow!
ABOG pass rate first-time takers US medical schools
AOBOG pass rate first-time takers US medical schools
Learn more about our services and prices.
We Know Each Candidate is Unique & What You Require to Pass Will Be Different Than What Works for Others
At Passing Your OB/GYN Boards, we are committed to helping you pass your AOBOG or ABOG Boards. We offer…

Many brilliant young physicians fail to pass the AOBOG & ABOG Boards every year. It is devastating.
The cost of failure is approximately $43,000. This is calculated by:
- Lost RVU (3 weeks including studying, taking a board review course, time to travel to exam approximately $18,000).
- Cost of board exam, hotel, travel, dining $3,000.
- Cost of board preparation materials and mock exams ($2-4,000).
- Time spent in formulating a case list (80 hours $12,000 of lost income potential). Stress and decreased work productivity $6,000.
View our plans and prices and get started today!
- 30-min coaching call to format a unique study plan
- 4 Mock Oral Exams (~30-min each)
- 1 mock oral recording/feedback session focused on improving strategy and avoiding common oral exam pitfalls.
- Additional mock oral exams ($175/per mock)
- Two 30-min coaching calls to personalize study schedule and analyze strengths/weaknesses and assess progress (including one with Dr. Evans)
- In-depth caselist defense / Core Topics preparation
- 9 Mock Oral Exams (~30-min each) w/ guarantee of at least 2 sessions with Dr. Evans)
- 2 mock oral recording/feedback session focused on improving strategy and avoiding common oral exam pitfalls.
- Access to a Board Prep Mentor via email / phone (no more than 48 hour response time)
- Discount on additional mock oral exams ($150/per mock)
- This is our comprehensive offering: especially aimed at those who are retaking their board exams.
- Ongoing coaching calls to personalize study schedule, analyze strengths/weaknesses and continuously assess progress with Dr. Evans
- 2 hours of academic counseling with psychologist or psychiatrist aimed at implementing behavioral strategies to improve performance and reduce anxiety
- In-depth caselist defense / Core Topics preparation
- 15 Mock Oral Exams (~30-min each) w/ guarantee of at least 6 sessions with Dr. Evans
- Recordings of all mock oral exams
- 4 mock oral recording/feedback sessions focused on improving strategy and avoiding common oral exam pitfalls with Dr. Evans.
- Unlimited access to a Board Prep Mentor (guaranteed response within 8 hours)
- 20+ hours of comprehensive, personalized attention from our multi-disciplinary team of expert Board Preparation Mentors
Just want help with mock oral exams?
Purchase mock oral exam only preparation packages (~30min mock oral exam with ~15min of feedback/coaching per session)
- Office
- Obstetrics
- Gynecology
For AOBOG candidates we’ll provide the highest yield structured cases covering Core Topics during your sessions
- 2 Office
- 2 Obstetrics
- 2 Gynecology
For AOBOG candidates we’ll provide the highest yield structured cases covering Core Topics during your sessions